F. No. 8-1/KARMA/Model2/Southern/1-9756351         Dated: 29-01-2025

The principal




Subject : Approval for courses under model2 of KARMA Scheme

Dear Sir/Madam,

In reference to your online application for running Job roles under KARMA scheme.

AICTE has approved the following courses to be conducted in your Institution.

Model : model2.

Sno Sector/Course Basket Job roll Applied intake Approved Intake NSQF level No. of Hours
1 Computer Science and Engineering AI -Machine learning Developer 30 30 Level 7 756
2 Mechanical Engineering REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONING TECHNICIAN 30 30 Level 5 3200
3 Mechanical Engineering Additive Manufacturing Technician (3D Printing) (CTS) 30 30 Level 4 2080
4 Electronics Engineering Certificate Course in Embedded System Design using ARM/ Cortex Microcontroller 30 30 Level 5 80
5 Architecture Engineering Architectural Drafting and Basic 3D Design with Autodesk Revit (MES) 30 30 Level 4 500
Note :

01. Institute will utilize its existing infrastructure form running these course.

02. The College/Institute shall maintain complete attendance of students and trainers during classes and practical of each job role.

03. The College/Institute shall fully implement the official Language Policy of Union Govt. and comply with the official Language Act, 1963 and Official Languages (use for official purposes of the Union) Rules, 1976 etc.

04. The institute will ensure the eligibility criteria of the students as per the NSDC Norms.

05. The Institute shall run training for each job role as prescribed by respective sector skill council.

06. Institute may charge a reasonable fee for each course under Model 1 and 2 with intimation to AICTE, while course under Model 3 will be provided without charging fee from students.

07 The institute found violating the above-described conditions, will be debarred for running the courses.

08. Project sanctioned by AICTE is assigned a specific Reference No. given on the pre-page. All correspondences related to the project must contain this number with year of sanction of the project failing which correspondence will not be entertained.

09. The Annual Progress Report in the prescribed format shall be submitted to AICTE not later than one month after completion.

10. Institute can charge fee from students to meet expenditure for running the courses under Model 1 and Model 2 and same may be communicated to AICTE. But for running the Model 3 Vidyanjali, Institute has meet out the funds from CSR funds, no fee can be charged from students.

11. Project Completion Report (PCR) in the prescribed format in the total duration of the project in the prescribed format, Utilization in the format shall be submitted to the Council.

12. This sanction issues to run the courses under KARMA scheme as per NSQF guidelines. AICTE will not be responsible for certification of students. Certificate/Assessment will be done by third party i.e. Sector Skill Councils or any agency approved by NSDC.

13. This sanction Letter is Applicable for AICTE/CFTI Institutions.

Undertaking :

We affirm that the eligibility of courses applied are as per the aligned qualification recommended for the job role by NSQF. The Institute/University will also follow the guidelines of NSQF framed by NCVET for admitting and assessment of the students/leaners. We also affirm that we have sufficient infrastructure for the courses applied under Karma Portal. We will also comply with the norms as specified in the scheme and decided by the Government from time to time for implementation of the scheme. We understand that AICTE will not be responsible for training/ certification/ assessment of the students and same will be done as per norms/guidelines of the KARMA. This is to certify that the information provided in this proposal and its enclosures is true and correct to the best of our knowledge and belief. We understand the consequences of any untrue or incorrect information provided in this proposal and its enclosures.

Yours faithfully,

(Dr Neetu Bhagat)

Dy Director,

Skill Development Cell (SDC)